Purchased our downlights, and ceiling lights (which will be delivered this coming Wednesday. Applying for leave cos The Lews compromised to rotate shifts, due to work commitments on each other's end, during the whole renovation process.) after confirming the defects and adding on a few more to be rectified, and we bought our dining light as well. (pic below)
Rushed to Tampines Mall after confirming our purchase at Balestier, the street of lights. Purpose was to sign up for Singtel's mio Plan. Queued for a damn long time before it was my turn. Turned out that they werent able to do a transfer of our home number cos the home line is registered under Mr. Lew and apparently its necessary that it has to be under my name before I can sign up for the mio Plan. (Annoyed!) Will have to call 1609 tomorrow morning to transfer the home line from Mr. Lew's name to mine.
To IKEA after that to buy spotlights for the foyer and 2 bedside lights for the MBR.
Brought Dad to check OL out before heading to Balestier (AGAIN!) to purchase 2 more ceiling lights for our MBR and Bedroom 1. Really hope its the last time we go to Balestier cos everytime we go, it means we have to purchase additional necessary lightings. And lightings are really so expensive!
ours is black
Mr. Lew suggested opening a joint account some time ago. Awfully sweet of him to bring this up. But I just opened an individual one on Saturday, not sure if they can add his name and change it to a joint account though. Probably head to the bank next weekend if we're free.
Gonna have our 'meeting' regarding our expenses, finances and plannings to see how much we can spend & save per month in a while, right after the documentary on airplanes screening on Discovery Channel ends.
Delighted that we're still so M.I.L with each other. =)
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