Friday, May 16, 2008

Just realised I made a mistake in the approx. calculation of our housewarming date!

FCL sent out the letter to Mr. Lew's lawyer on the 14th. Apparently Mr. Lew's lawyer has not received it since he hasnt got any call from them. Calculated that the housewarming party to be somewhere around the 1st week of June, but just realised there are so many factors that i forgot to input in! Eeeppps!

Even if we manage to get the keys next week or the week after next, i forgot to input the factors below!

No. 1:
Consulting the fengshui master to get an auspicious day to open the door for the 1st time.
(Maybe 4 - 5 days?)

No. 2:
Check on the defects and wait for the developer to fix all the defects till they're acceptable.
(God knows how long they'll take since nearly every single unit has defects. Pray that the fixing of defects is not on a first-come-first-serve basis.)

Renovation works
(Probably 7 - 9 days since we'll only be doing minimal reno. works)

Move in all the furniture
(1 - 2 days)

Settle down in the new environment for awhile
(Another 5-7 days.)

And only after all these have been completed............
the housewarming party!

Judging from these factors, it's totally implausible for it to be on the 1st week of June. Oh well. As long as the move-in isnt during the chinese 7th month.

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